The Original tool was discussed previously here.
Don't Put Too Much Logic in the Controller
I learned that a good MVC practice is to not put too much logic/work in the controller - but to think of controllers as routers. The body of logic should be pulled out into services.My previous version of the tool had all the work in the controller. I had one controller doing this:
- Parsing a user submitted CSV file
- Dialing each number in the CSV
- Emailing the results of each number being active or disconnected, to the requested email
The Refactored Controller
The controller now looks like this:@Grab('com.xlson.groovycsv:groovycsv:1.0') import static com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser.parseCsv class CsvImportController { def emailService def dialerService def save() { def emailTo = params.emailAdd if (emailTo =~ /@myinternaldomain/) { def csv = request.getFile('myfile').inputStream.text def data = parseCsv(csv) runAsync{ for(line in data) { def phone = line.Phone dialerService.dialNumber(phone) } emailService.sendingEmail(emailTo) } }else{ render(view:"error") { div(id:"error", "E-mail Format Error: E-mail must be from") } } } }
The two service calls (dialerService.dialNumber(phone) and emailService.sendingEmail(emailTo), now clean up the controller quite a bit.
There are two new services now:DialerService and EmailService
The DailerService looks like this:
class DialerService { def dialNumber(String phone) { println "Trying... $phone" def dialNum = "sipcli/sipcli.exe $phone -d [proxy ip goes here] -o 4 -t \"This is a test. this is a test. this is a test. this is a test\"-l 3".execute() def outFile = new File("grails-app/test.txt") if (dialNum.text =~ /success/){ outFile << ("PASS on number $phone\r\n") } else { System.getProperty("line.separator") outFile.append("FAIL on number $phone\r\n") } } }
The EmailService looks like this:
class EmailService { def sendingEmail(String emailTo) { println "Emailing Report To: " + emailTo sendMail { multipart true to "${emailTo}" from "" subject "Provisioning Report" body 'Please find the attached Provisioning Report...' attachBytes 'grails-app/test.txt','text/csv', new File('grails-app/test.txt').readBytes() } println "Attempting to delete results file..." def delFile = new File("grails-app/test.txt").delete() } }
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