14 March 2013

Buidling Automatic Graphs of SIPp SIP data

I finally got some automated SIPp results to look like this:

The screenshot above is my Jenkins install.  Each time I run this sip test of 2,000 calls it updates the graph there dynamically.

Here's how I did it.

I create a "Free Style" jenkins job.
In that job, I basically create a call to run a shell script.  The script is the SIPP call.  It has all the parameters for hitting my target box, phone number, and the number of calls.

One parameter on the sipp call is to output the RTT (-trace_rtt) - so after the test a csv file will be in the folder.  I also change the delimter from semi-colon to comma (why do they default to semi-colon???)

I set Jenkins to then fire a downstream job.  This job is another free-style job. it runs a shell script that basically runs CLICharts.

What is CLICharts?  CLICharts is amazing.

To install it, check out:

Basically I created a shell script that runs CLICharts headlessly.  Basically it's like this:
sudo clichart -cfvl 0,1 *rtt.csv -o /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/charts/chart1.jpg

That tells clichart to not care about dates (since I dont have dates it would understand) and tells it to only care about columns 0 and 1.  Finally to output this chart to a folder in userContent (oh yeah, I'm using Simple Theme plugin for Jenkins so this userContent folder is used by that to link to my own graphics.)

Downstream Jobs

So the Downstream Jenkins job just runs shell script.

On a tip I saw online, I used the main project, and edited it to add my own img src tag. This img tag points to the /chart1.jpg above.  Each time the test is run, it updates the jpg and therefore the page has a new graph soon after the test is run.

I also  set up a post build action on this Downstream job... this one emails me and others the csv file and the jpg.

Finally, after the test a second downstream job is kicked off to simply move the csv files to an archive folder (so only one rtt.csv file exists at a time in the main folder.) 

Other Set Up I had to Do

I had to do a few things to make this work... like add the ssh plugin to Jenkins. Even though I'm not
ssh'ing, the ssh plugin sets the user I'm sudoing as on the Jenkins box.  That user was updated in the /etc sudoer's file (via visudo) so that NOPASSWD:ALL was set for that user (so no pass prompt.)

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