09 January 2013

Setting up Scala with Intelij

I had a few problems getting this combo set up... so I followed a few tutorials and got this set up on my windows laptop.

  1. Make sure you have Java 1.6 or higher installed
  2. Download Scala for windows (get the zip!!) the Windows binary installer of scala doesn't install with everything you need (like src folder!)  but the zip has it all
  3. Uncompress Scala someplace
  4. Download Intelij
  5. Install Intelij
  6. Within Intelij open the plugin manager: File / Settings / Plugins
  7. in the plugin manager click browse
  8. Go to Scala and double click it.  accept to install it
  9. After it installs restart intelij
  10. Make a new Java Module Project
  11. On the next page of project creation check "Scala"
  12. Now you prob got a path to Scala and it says "not valid home" - browse to the uncompressed Scala uncompressed folder (root of it) - it should find all the src library and compilers it needs
That should do it!

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