25 November 2012

Getting a Python Web Automation Framework going

I've so far been able to get GEB (groovy based web automation) up and running at home... (although it was very difficult) and I've been able to get Cucumber up and running on a web automation stack (very easy) and tonight I think I got a Python stack up and running.

Python was a bit tricky.  Although not as easy to set up as Cucumber, it certainly isn't as difficult as GEB.

Some pitfalls with Python:
  1. You can't easily use Python 3.* Due to compatibility issues with selenium webdriver, Python 3 isn't really supported. I did see some 3rd party scripts to try and bridge that compatibility, but it looked like a dangerous path to go down.
  2. You need to install Python 2.7.3.
  3. After python, you'll need to install setuptools.  If on windows, setuptools has a nice windows installer.  This is the pre-requisite to get PIP (a python package installer) up and running.
  4. You will need a package installer (i.e. PIP) - if you're on windows, PIP's website doesn't really offer much help for you.  Windows users have to download https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py directly since windows doesn't have curl natively.  
  5. Once you have the get-pip.py, you just run the thing... then pip.exe will be in your python*/Scripts folder. 
  6. Run pip install sst  OR use a IDE (i'm using jetbrains' Pycharm) to point to sst and install.
Once SST is installed and part of your project, you can write a simple test like this:
from sst.actions import *

assert_title_contains('Home | Ubuntu')

Be sure to check the SST doc's for referencing their actions, but they are pretty straight forward and similar to native webdriver and selenium actions: http://testutils.org/sst/actions.html

Now you can start building out your framework... I've heard of some BDD python based layers (Nose and Lettuce) out there, but they aren't supported by my IDE (jetbrains see's little community backing BDD in python) so I haven't gone that route.

Uploaded a sample of this code at github:

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